LEAs must complete the customizable sections of the documents found at the links listed above and distribute them to all parents or families of children enrolled in each LEA. These notices contain the following information:
• Changes made from 2016 to 2017 in reporting requirements for LEAs regarding special education enrollment in the Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System
• The rights of a child regarding the provision of special education services under both state and federal law
• The process and procedures for initiating a referral for evaluation for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and TEC Sec. 29.004.
• Where to find local policies and procedures related to initiating a referral for evaluation under IDEA
SB 139 Notice to Families (English version)
SB 139 Notice to Families (Spanish version)
Senate Bill 139 is intended to provide Texas families with information regarding the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Dyslexia, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Click on the direct link below to the specific document on the TEA website.
Resources on Special Education in Texas
Required posting of TEA-developed document intended to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under the IDEA in requesting compensatory services for their child. Click on the document below to access it in English or Spanish.
Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services Resource (English Version)
Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services Resource (Spanish Version)